The First initiating AMSA in Cambodia
AMSA-Cambodia was born on 06 June 2006 by a group of medical student under supported of Prof. Dr Sabo Ojano, Vice President of International University .The first conference of AMSA-Cambodia was conducted in the International University, new campus. Around the conference, was supervised by Dr. Sabo Ojano, with the support of IU President, Prof. Uon Sabo and H.E. Sam Sophean, Chairman of the IU Board of Science Council. After that AMSA-Cambodia has established many activities to contribute reduce people health complication. Particularly, we involved with the primary health care and basis health education. And the secondary health care is also conduct. Similarly to stimulus the activities forward till got the good result, the board RCs of AMSA-Cambodia are always conducted the monthly meeting and eager meeting if we has request from our collogues. All of these were occurred by our willing arm to build up our country from poor health service and illiteracy especially health sciences.
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The First AMSA-Cambodia founder
Medical Missionary Team
On 14 August 2006, Mr, Miliya Thyl, chairperson of AMSA-Cambodia, led six medical students from International University to joint with Medical Missionary Teams from South Korea for provides the medical check up to the people amount 189 families in Sangkat Preveng, Khan Dankok, Phnom Penh.
The Medical Missionary Team usually come into Cambodia with more medication and doctor specialist for visit the villager which have health problem and difficult to find the supporting health service around frontal Phnom Penh city. It is the first time for medical student that they have approval to enjoy with them for this activity. Both, the student and medical team seem very happy, though, it short time for our participated with them.
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Mr.Koo Hyun Seo, Medical Missionary team facilitator, have admired that during we have a good cooperation with each other and effort to contributed our ability for improving our peoples, however, we met some difficult in our process .Therefore, this cooperation have proved that we can works together in the future for providing hope, love and mercy to our peoples, and it will be a narrow in stimulate students has enjoy it in the future.
Monthly Meeting Activity
The monthly meetings have been conducting at the first week every month. It’s a chance for all founders are able to report their activities in the previous month and have got new planning for the next coming month done. Despite of meeting have met some obstacles, it be held every months until now day. Actually, sometime we need very long time sitting down and discussion. Yet as we are a student we need more to study rather than waste time with unnecessary. All the meeting we got a bit achievements because we are not well know to solved the obstacle. For example, we paid amount one month to made decision of conducting the first conference of AMSA-Cambodia. And we paid amount three months for Health education and vital check up. Further more we have only 8 people that involve with the board committee and they are so young. Yet we have got success from these activities that let us proud and continue our willing.
Health education and Vital check up
On 31 October 2006, There are 15 medical student from International University, also be member of Asian Medical Students’ Association- Cambodia, have Provided the Heath education and vital sign check up to the villager around 77 families in Ptas Pring village, Kok Chum Commune, Sampouv Meas District, Pursat Province.
The activity was stating at 10 am while the medical students’ team was arrived this village and Mr Dong Kimdy, deputy governor, have given a speech and permitted the team processing their activities. Thus, the team coordinate by Mr Miliya Thyl, fourth year Medical student, Chairperson of AMSA-Cambodia had have divided the member into three small groups that consists five members and also take into various accountability. Miss Sam Sothear, the first group leader, responded the Health education. It focuses on two main diseases topic are respiratory infection and diarrhea. During educate this groups demonstrated the poster have the pictures and describe about the essential sign after infected, how to prevent and treat by themselves. Other one momentum them to using the health center service while they get sever sign of both diseases. In Addition, Miss Chea Sochenda, the second group leader, have provided the hygiene body to the children less than 6 year. Therefore, amount 65 children have bathed and make up by her groups. Finally, these groups have given the hygiene education to prevent the infection disease .The last groups leaded by Mr. Hong Napich granted the medical check up to the villager as vital sign, advisor and clean the ulcerations. Consequent, they find out most of children have got chronic medial otitis and common respiratory infection.
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In the end, all the group activities finished successful of their goal at 2 pm on the same day, and we would like to appreciated to directors and staffs of International University, the authority of Pursat province, donor and medical students that supporting his/her resources, security and opportunity to stimulated this project have gotten the successful.
International Activity
Paper presentation on the AMSC 27th in Hong Kong
The Asian Medical Students’ Conference is the annual conference held in late July, where 300 to 400 medical student form all over Asian and Oceania gather for a week of academic and culture exchange. In the 27 th AMSC in HK, Mr Kong Bore, Vice chair of AMSA-Cambodia, have enjoyed these conference to represented for medical students’ Cambodia. Under the theme: Tobacco : Know it & Say “No” to it, he have took the presentation competition paper, which described about the prevalence of smoker and strategies of MoH in reduction ration amount in Cambodia. Furthermore, He has enjoyed all meeting with Board executive committee of AMSA-International.
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On behalf of the AMSA-Cambodia we would like the say thank for the leadership of the International University and the Executive committee of AMSA-International that have provided us the chance to enjoy this conference, and we hope that the IU and AMSA-International still continues to help the AMSA-Cambodia for sending the delegates to joint the AMSC in the next coming year, which be held in the South Korea.
The 28th AMSC in Seoul, Korea22 July to 29 July 2007
It was an unforgettable event that I have ever met before. The AMSC 28th in Seoul, Korea under the topic of Cancer in Asia: Incidence, suffering and prevention. And I have further joint the Pre/Post ECM which granted an opportunity by the AMSA international executive committees through the TAG fund raising. During that time I have learnt lot of new experience and knowledge from the EC, OR and other delegation from variety countries around Asia and Oceanic. I met some obstacle at the first time with getting visa and money problem, but it was the best experience in manage the future delegation from Cambodia to joint other conference in the next coming future.
During the long journey, I feel alone and frighten but I no longer feel alone after I met the GM and other RC at Ichoun airport and I have got better and better when I jointed pre ECM , which was held at the Beijing hall of the Olympic parktel after EC and RC gathering. Unfortunately I didn’t attend the meeting a half day because I had gotten jet lag. True, it was the best time that I started to learning accurately from AMSA International mission and vision.
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According to TAG fund raising I had participate a mount 80 percent of the ECM and AMSC such as the poster presentation, lectures, clinical visit, AMSA champions quiz and cultural night etc., that make me unforgettable of this activities and people too. First, about the poster presentation I got 20 votes from our delegations from Japan and Australia. They are always encouraging me both physical and mental. Though, I realize that my poster doesn’t suitable, I still proud with my work because I paid lot of time to prepare it and I also got the best experience from that. Then I have enjoyed clinical visit and the lectures of Pathology of cancer, mammography and surgery of breast cancer at the EWHA medical center which provided by the. Second, the champion’s quiz it was very exited challenging between me and my counter from HK at that time I don’t believe that I can did. After that I got many supporters it made me brave. Next, the cultural night it was very difficult to me that I had only one to preparation but every one had enjoy with it. Finally, the post ECM it also provide me the good knowledge which make me clarified toward how to leading the AMSA in my country to get successful in the future.
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The ECM, two days past quickly, the exiting time started. There are general delegations from member countries crowd gathered at the lobby and waiting check in. I was in the groups 20 which there are 20 members from Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and UK. The peaceful group but amazing, we started with each other by silent and peaceful. My GMs all way call out “Groups 20” and “Really” all the time that are gathering. During the entire week we were making a lot of memories that can not forgeable. They took us to the Lotter World and plying a lot of kind that never have in my country. They are further gave us the experience in Seoul like a night city tours.
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In short, the 28th AMSC in Seoul, Korea it was the biggest and best experience for me to pass these information event to my members through the philosophy of AMSA international Friendship, Knowledge and Action. At the first time I thought that I waste a lot of my parents ‘money to reached there, yet I have also got a lot experience, friendship, Knowledge and Action, I really satisfied with this event and it always makes me unforgettable and wants to joint it again as possible in the future. Last but not at least, I want to express my appreciation to the previous EC, Miss Waka Shibata, overall chairperson, my parents, my school director and their staffs and new friends and old friends that encourage me both physically and mentally during the difficult time before and around the AMSC.
The AMDA Soul and Medicine Program (ASMP) in Cambodia
On March, 10th 2007, the high ranging monks from Japan and Cambodia gathers in OUNA LOM monastery to celebrate the AMDA SOUL AND MEDICINE PROGRAMME. At these time, there were ten medical students from AMSA-Cambodia has devoted their personal time and energy to provide invaluable assistance this program. As either associations have good cooperation with each other since AMSA was initiated in 2006.
Recently on December 12, 2007, Dr. Sieng Rithy, Director of AMDA of Cambodia and board committees of AMSA Cambodia set down and had a small talk about the way that AMDA and AMSA are developing cooperation of both organizations in the future. We were also agreeing to pen point the paper of MOU in the short future because we found out three overlapped activities that we are able involves with each other in the future.
1. Mobile mission or mobile medical check up service
2. Training program
3. Research program
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The 21st East Asian Medical Students’ Conference in Thailand
I am writing from Bangkok, Thailand on behalf of RC of AMSA as well as 5 year medical student of International University that I had participated the EAMSC 21st (Earth Asian Medical Students’ Conference) which was held in Bangkok-Pataya, Thailand from 9 -12 January 2008 under the theme of “Alcohol as the social aspect”. I am also accompanied by another 5 year medical student, Mr. Hong Napich, under sponsorship of AMSA international and AMSATH as well as administration support of International University.
I am further more participated with the AMSA international executive committees meeting (ECM) before and after that.
Anyway, it was very amazing event that there are 12 countries/region and around 150 medical students gathering in one place to show their knowledge action and friendship. This is also the first time of Cambodia’s medical students having a good chance to appear the face in the international community of EAMSC. Actually, four days was past quickly but in our memory still keep this event of the rest of life.
At that time, with the conference focusing on the alcohol as the social aspect, many leading scientists, professors and doctor addressed the delegations from across Asia. The poster and paper presentations were of an extremely high standard with the judging proving to be very difficult. The hospital visits were equally stimulating, allowing students to explore the social, economic and medical implications of alcohol.
During, the cultural night was a lot of fun. Dancing, singing and laughing… everyone had a wonderful time and make many new friends from all over the Asia-Pacific regions which people of different culture background.
Overall, we experiences in the EAMSC this year was an enjoyable one filled with inspiration. And I certainly look forward the next AMSA International conference, because the chance to learn through the interaction from other medical students in Asia-pacific. I would have to pass my most sincere gratitude to the Organizing Committee in Thailand because they were a wonderful host. We wish to be a host in the future too.
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Conclusion, we are awareness and continue our mission under statue of Asian Medical Students’ Association branch to develop friendship through out the social activities, charity, health promotion and academic project amount national and international. And we never forget to say thank you to all our professors, co-founders, members and international friends particularly the former and recently executive committee which all of you have gave us lot of chance, if we don’t have all of your encouragements and sponsorship AMSA-Cambodia could not achieve all these achievements.
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Phnom Penh, 06 February 2008
Reported by: Miliya Thyl,
International University, Phnom Penh
RC of Cambodia 2007-2008
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