Why do people want to learn foreign languages, especially English? Is it because of English is for pleasure or is it because of people wants to understand or communicate each other? Why teaching English language is a big topic that is being focussed? In this sense, teaching on a course plays an important role in helping or improving English for students. In order to learn English correctly, students need good teachers and enough sources in English teaching, a clear curriculum, and enough resources in both studying and teaching.
A. Physical Facilities
Physical comfort and safety attract students to participate in classroom. If they are fear for their safety and don’t fell comfortable they will not be able to learn. A poorly constructed learning environment, on the other hand, may create tension and stress that prevent students from learning.
The supply of chairs, desks, blackboards, and lightening in school are obviously controlled by school’s staffs and not by teachers. In this point in order to attract students in learning English, all equipment related should be sufficient.
- Classroom:
All classrooms that attract students to study are clean and comfortable which are large enough, have air conditioners, have enough lights, pictures and map decoration, are preferable. Whiteboard should be big enough. Furthermore separate desks and chairs are very important in teaching English because of group or pair work. They need to move from one place to another. In addition class size may also influence teachers’ decisions making about group arrangement or classroom procedure.
- Students
In English teaching, a number of students are very important. In academic teaching of languages, students in one class should be less than thirty. The standard number of students each class can help teachers to teach easily and to control over all of their students.
- Building
The effective learners want to learn in a beautiful, tall, and big building with a large library. A large library is more helpful to English teaching and learning. Students feel comfortable when they see their school is big. Moreover, their mind will be clear because of the environment around their schools.
- Parking lots and gardens
Most students worried about the security of their transportations. In order to keep their transportations safe enough, parking lots should have enough spaces for their cars or motorcycles. In addition students need garden when they want to get fresh air or relax.
B. Teachers
Teacher is the most important element in English teaching. Students learn many things from teacher who have more experiences and knowledge in English.
Good English teachers depend on two main factors (a) the objective of the lesson and (b) the characteristics of the students. Different lessons have objectives that demand different teaching strategies. The effective English teacher should:
- Begin each new lesson with a review
- State the goal of the lesson
- Present new material in small steps
- Give clear instruction and explanations: good teachers should have clear objectives because students need to know what their activities are purposeful. Before teachers ask student to do something especially new things they need to tell their students the way how to do it.
- Give students much time to practice
- Ask numerous questions
- Guide initial practice: example is an important element for best teachers to show their students of how to conduct to do the exercises given.
- Provide feedback and corrections: good teachers should manage to give enough feedbacks to students as they are correct or not.
- Provide explicit instructions for seatwork
- Hold weekly, monthly reviews, or test: one job of teacher is to evaluate their students’ ability of English language they have learnt. In this way test, homework, presentation, and evaluation of checklist are needed.
- Provide security: teachers have to show their interest equally in every student, so that students feel positive with every body-including teacher.
- Provide motivation: in this point intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that are teachers’ responsibility for how to make English as an interesting thing for students.
- Give more information: teachers are not just to teach students what extract from the course but they should tell their students the references or sources in case their students need some extra information.
Not only the point above that best teachers should have, but also some points that all English teachers should follow and do it:
- All teachers should know all methods such as how to teach grammar, vocabulary, listening, and reading.
- The affective teachers should have high education than their students and be fair enough to their students in teaching.
- Eye contact should be used. Using eye contact helps teachers to establish rapport, such as give their students feel confidence and a sense of security.
- Use gesture s and facial expression: using of gestures and facial expression are part of communication skill which helps teachers to get across what they want to say. Sometimes students are not clear enough in meaning of words or sentences. By using gestures and facial expression, teachers made students to understand easily.
- Position and movement of teachers: in classroom students quickly become sensitive to where teachers are placed. So the best practice in teaching English, teachers should move slowly.
- Use the voice: voice plays an important role in English teaching. The teachers’ voice should be clear and loud enough according to the size of the classroom in order to make attraction from students.
- The last point of something that teachers should have is to know classroom management, such as how to arrange seats, how to use board, how to monitor their students, how to start lesson, how to finish lesson, and how to do lesson plan.
In addition, all English teachers normally face an obstacle to teach students which have different personalities, needs, beliefs, attitude, background knowledge, and school experience. In this point teachers face the difficult tasks of making the group a coherent whole and making instruction meaningful to all students. So the best teacher is one who learns from their students. Teachers have to be sensitive and flexible to social distinctions and try to be open to the personals needs. What teachers are going to do is to fulfil student’s needs.
C- Curriculum
There are many universities or schools which have their own curriculum. Some schools set up a similar curriculum to others depend on theirs needs. A school which has good curriculum normally attracts by many students. Moreover, teachers and students needs clear and good curriculum to improve their English skills.
Teachers want to design one curriculum that is useful and helpful to their students. Advanced technology such as over head projector should be used in English teaching. They need to design an effective program that students want to learn each term with variety of textbooks.
In each school or university the best practise in teaching also bases on three rules which are already set up by school or university. They are “rules, regulations, and routines” These three elements determine how to cope with classroom atmosphere which called “climate”. School need this part of curriculum to organize itself to run smoothly and effectively. School or English teaching practise who have a good regulations normally give student more disciplines and attractive classroom.
D- Resources
School system administrators influence teaching and learning though the progressive allocation of resources from the school and classroom. To support this assertion, we must show that (1) the teacher’s use of resources is constrained by what administrators make available and (2) the use of these resources affects students learning.
Resources are an important part in English teaching and learning. All teachers need resources to teach their students. Also students need resources to find out the references. Resources link closely to English teaching. In this sense books, workbooks, cassettes players, video, CD, VCD, DVD, TV, tape recorders, over head projector, and other supplies can help teachers in teaching and practise. Not only the supplies above that students need, but also advanced technology such as computer, the Internet, and network are helpful. Students need practise through communication, writing, listening, and reading. So they can use these materials to improve their English language skill.
In short, the best practice in English language teaching depends on four factors. In order to attract the students in learning and help teachers to teach easily, classroom and school should be clean and large enough. Moreover, teachers themselves must know teaching methodology and have disciplines to teach their students. In addition to teachers and physicals facilities schools should have clear curriculum and enough sources.
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