Accidents can cause great sorrow. Many people believe that most accidents happen in home. Perhaps this is because most of them spend their time at home. Traffic accidents normally take place on the roads; they frequently happen in Cambodia. The common accidents usually happen in the morning and evening rather than the afternoon.
The heavy traffic in the morning and evening frequently causes accidents. Sometimes, drivers do not obey the traffic rules. They drive so fast and carelessly. They sometimes crash into other people, cars, or motorists along the road. Some articulated lorries or trucks that are not allowed to go into town in the morning or evening and rubbish cars occasionally run over or smash through other people. In view of the accidents, I suggest that every driver should take care of the speed limited along each road. Articulated lorries or trucks must not be allowed to go into town in the morning or evening; they should be parked in a park during the day and should go into town at the night time.
The direction of the road is very important. Some small roads are one-way streets. They are usually fixed interdictory signs. Some drivers do not obey those signs. Those drivers usually cause the serious accidents.
In some countries, drivers drive on the left hand side but in some people drive on the right hand side. Cambodia is one country which keeps the right hand side as the traffic rule. Because of traffic jams, some drivers who want to go first or are in hurry, go straightforward in the left side of the road. Those drivers frequently cause the accidents. They usually cash into other cars or motorcycles that are kept on the right side. It is a good idea that all passengers or drivers must know the right and left hand sides; they must obey the traffic rules. They must not pass the middle line of each road. They must be punished if they do something wrong.
Traffic lights are the most important tool in traffic circulation. They are located on different corners of a roundabout and equipped with different colours of light. If drivers do not follow them, they will have accidents or cause traffic jams immediately.
Even though accidents are a serious problem, they can be prevented. People, who are educated well, usually know the importance of traffic rules. They will travel safety, pay less money for insurance services, and save their time, if they follow the traffic light, signs, and rules.
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